Friday, October 16, 2020

Emotional Pairing: Enthralled and Disgust

This was an interesting emotional contrast. I tried to embody both disgust and how it feels to be enthralled.  I discovered that they share a strong sense of instability, intensity, and disorder.  I imagined an infinity loop for enthralled.  Disgust was far more chaotic. I went with my impulse to scribble it out.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Heavy hearted

 I like to do quick feeling check-ins with my art therapy clients.  I ask them to scan their body and draw the feeling they are experiencing in the moment.  Today my word was heavy hearted.

You can only lose, what you cling to. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Emotional Pair: Disconnected and Warm

Letting Go

So much remains undone.

Perhaps, it waits quietly--unborn.  

Unsaid.  Unexplored.  

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Toning the canvas

 My sweet friend is allowing me to take over her living room so I can paint!  She is truly amazing.

Color sketch

 I’m starting a new painting.  This is a thumbnail sketch I did with colored pencils of the future painting.  I'm hoping to capture a sense of stillness and reflection.